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Creating a new component

New Component

Initial component setup

  1. Create a new component folder in the libs/components/src directory.
  2. Create a new route folder in the apps/docs/src/routes/ directory.
  3. Add a new file for each component piece in your new component folder.
  4. Export the component namespace from the libs/components/src/index.ts file.
  5. Add the component to the sidebar menu in the apps/docs/src/routes/ file.

Look at the example links above for further clarification on setup.

Adding docs examples

To add examples in the docs, you can use the Showcase component.

First, in your new route folder, create a examples folder.

Then, add a new example, create a new file in the examples folder, and create a Qwik component that does a default export.

import { component$ } from "";

export default component$(() => {
    return <div>Hello World</div>;

Then, consume this in the mdx file with the file name as the name of the example.

File tree:


How it looks in MDX:


# Checkbox

<Showcase name="hero" />

When can people use the component?

A component is ready when it has: