
Writing documentation
Docs are a great way to understand things better, and also help others, but not all of us like writing docs, or are great writers.
Luckily, Sarah Rainsberger has a great talk on writing docs.
The Astro docs guide from Sarah has been Jack's go-to resource for writing docs. It mentions Astro, but the principles and style guide apply to most documentation.
- Docs are not "good" or "bad"
- Docs are not "complete"
- Docs are not "final"
The question to ask yourself is:
- Are these docs helpful?
Documenting things is a small sacrifice for a big benefit down the road. Whether that's for your future self, career, or for others.
Sig Suffix
Every signal (useComputed$, useSignal, useBoundSignal) should have a Sig
suffix. This is to help prevent confusion between form controls with .value
const isSelectedSig = useSignal(false);
Signal props and the bind convention
The bind:x
API's that expect a signal are really just a prop. The convention is to use bind:
for signals, to stay consistent with Qwik's API (which was inspired by frameworks like Svelte and Angular).
<Select.Root bind:value={selectedValueSig} />
You also get typescript autocomplete for each bind on the component!
It is a requirement that you handle both signal based and value based state for each component.
The most important event that handles the value change should always be named onChange$
on the Root
Any other events should be named like on<EventName>Change$
Ex: Listening to when the actual selected value changed
<Select.Root onChange$={...} />
Ex: Listening to when the Select popover is open
<Select.Root onOpenChange$={...} />
Event handling
All events, or functions inside the component should have a $ at the end of the name.
It is also preferred to use a reference to the QRL in the JSX rather than inlining the function.
const handleClick$ = $(() => {
// do something
// Do this:
<button onClick$={[handleClick$, props.onClick$]}>
<Slot />
// Not this:
<button onClick$={[() => {
// do something
}, props.onClick$]}>
<Slot />
Data Attributes
Each component should have an identifier data attribute.
Ex: data-qds-select-root
We use this both for styling (layout / behavioral css), and for testing.